Hostelling International logo Ise Shima Youth Hostel


From this hostel, you can visit the village of Spain in 5 minutes by car. It takes 25 minutes to Ise Shrine and Toba.

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Please get off at Anagawa Station of Kintetsu Line Shima Line and it takes 12 minutes on foot (1 km). 5 minutes by Taxi (3 km) from Isobe Station. If you use JR, Please change trains at Ise or Toba.





 YH Membernon Member
Standard rateJPY 3,520JPY 4,180
JPY 4,400JPY 4,950


Breakfast JPY 770
Dinner JPY 1,540
Special Dinner ---


Capacity 80 Beds
Check-in 16:00 ~ 22:00
Check-out 00:00 ~ 09:30
Close May 16 - May 31
2 or 3 days in a month, Temporary closure may occur.
Private room(s)
Single room(s)
Morning shower
Luggage storage
Tennis / Athletics ground nearby
Hot springs nearby
Meeting room(s)
Parking area for cars
Self kitchen
Loundry machine


when you contact us, Please let us know that you have seen our website.

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